Thermomix show
Allegria for Thermomix

Over 1,500 staff members attended the Thermomix convention in Lyon: a two-day event organised around a plenary meeting, a concert and a big gala dinner, providing an ideal occasion to unite the consultants in the limelight, and present the brand’s latest news.

To give a special feel to this event with its “star” theme, the plenary meeting featured a magnificent immersive mapping to go with a choreographic piece.
This staging full of movement directly echoed the dynamic energy of the Thermomix brand, and was also a nod at the myriad circular movements and rotating blades in its products.

The staging for the gala dinner turned staff members into “princes and princesses” for an evening. Received in a splendidly atmospheric, luxury setting created by the 360° mapping of magnificent palaces, the guests were immersed in_ever-changing surroundings where sensation and emotion were one and the same.
This immersive setting provided a genuine visual experience as it travelled from the Versailles Hall of Mirrors to Venice, St Petersburg and the Taj Mahal.

3360 m²
2018 – 2 days
Holymage (mapping), danaïade (choreography)